Treatment for Bulimia, Binge Eating, Emotional Eating

Columbus Park uses concrete and practical behaviorally-oriented treatments to address emotional eating, binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa.


An Eating Disorder is not a life sentence. 

Eating disorder treatment should not be a life sentence either. Treatment must be targeted, fast-moving, and time-limited.

While Bulimia, Binge Eating, Emotional Eating have some significant differences, the target of treatment is the same: 

  • normalizing eating patterns

  • reducing preoccupation with food and weight

  • increasing skills for coping with emotions

  • healing self-esteem and negative body image

  • addressing co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression

What Columbus Park Offers

Deepen your understanding:

  • Extensive research over the last two decades supports Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as the treatment of choice for the majority of individuals with bulimia, binge eating or emotional eating. CBT-E is an ideal intervention because it’s relatively short-term and is delivered in an outpatient setting which means it’s efficient from a time and financial perspective and causes little disruption to one’s life. In CBT-E, patients work one-on-one with their CBT therapist to uncover the factors that keep their eating problem going – and then systematically they tackle these factors in the treatment.

    Given the efficacy and efficiency of CBT-E (generally completed within 20 weeks), it is often our first line therapy for those who come to us with bulimia, binge eating or emotional eating.

  • While CBT-E is typically our first line treatment for bulimia, binge eating and emotional eating, on occasion through the assessment process, we may determine that another evidence-based treatment will be more appropriate. At Columbus Park, this alternative approach is most typically DBT-ED, a form of Dialectical Behavior Therapy that has been modified to target eating disorders. If an individual’s eating disorder seems to serve them primarily as way to regulate emotion, DBT may be the most effective approach. The Columbus Park team has a clear method for determining whether CBT-E or DBT is most indicated; we work with our patients collaboratively so they fully understand our thinking and recommendations and feel comfortable with the direction we take together.

  • Columbus Park is not a weight loss program. In fact, we’re acutely aware of how long term weight loss efforts lead to problematic eating and ultimately, weight gain. Our team understands how challenging it can be to live in a world where thinness is valued and where folks in larger bodies frequently face marginalization and discrimination. That said, our goal at Columbus Park is to help our clients to achieve optimal health and to establish peace with food and their bodies. To this end, we ask our clients to halt their weight loss efforts as they embark on treatment. We gently work on building trust that consistent, regular eating that responds to hunger and fullness cues will allow the body to regulate and settle in a stable and sustainable weight range.

  • Yes, yes and yes! Columbus Park clients have all different body types. Eating disorders impact individuals of all shapes and sizes so our setting reflects this diversity. We are a safe space for all people to heal from destructive eating, exercise, and self-evaluation patterns.

  • Yes, Columbus Park enthusiastically works from an anti-diet, Health at Every Size (HAES) perspective. This means that we will support you to:

    • engage in flexible eating based on individual nutritional needs and with attunement to hunger, satiety and pleasure.

    • find joy in moving your body and being physically active

    • progress past weight and food preoccupation to more emotionally supportive and fulfilling pursuits.

  • Columbus Park has a range of therapy groups designed to target disordered eating. Groups focus on building coping skills, addressing body image concerns and challenging misconceptions about nutrition. Columbus Park also has meal support groups where participants join together over a meal with a therapist facilitator. These meal groups bring support to you, in your own home, during the toughest and most vulnerable moments.

  • All Columbus Park services are delivered via telehealth. Currently, our team serves clients in New York, California, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.

  • Columbus Park is an out-of-network treatment provider. Depending on your insurance plan, you may be eligible for reimbursement for a percentage of treatment costs. We advise that you reach out to your carrier to clarify your out-of-network behavioral health benefits. We provide detailed invoices (“superbills”) that you can submit to your carrier when filing out-of-network claims.

  • If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about treatment at Columbus Park, please schedule a complimentary consultation call via the calendar below or click here. You will be connected with an expert from the Columbus Park team. This call is an opportunity to share your concerns and gain an initial recommendation for next steps.

Take the first step

If you or your loved one are interested in learning more about treatment for an eating disorder, please book a free consultation call with one of our team members.

Contact Us

Please schedule your complimentary 15-minute informational intake or fill out the form below and we will respond within one to two business days.