Virtual Eating Disorder Treatment: What You Need to Know

virtual eating disorder treatment

In a rapidly evolving digital age, where screens are portals to both information and connection, virtual eating disorder treatment is becoming more and more popular. As traditional barriers to care dissolve and access becomes more equitable, this virtual recovery option is emerging as a powerful tool in the fight against these complex and often debilitating conditions. 

Let’s delve into the burgeoning world of virtual eating disorder recovery, exploring its promises, challenges, and the profound impact it holds for individuals on their journey to recovery.

Benefits of Virtual Eating Disorder Therapy

Online eating disorder treatment offers a unique solution to the rising prevalence of eating disorders and the need for individual therapy with accessible evidence-based treatment options. It provides individuals with the flexibility to engage in therapy from the comfort of their own homes or offices. By transcending geographical boundaries, a virtual program allows individuals to access specialized care regardless of their location. 

This is particularly advantageous in areas where eating disorder specialists are scarce or nonexistent. By leveraging technology such as video conferencing, secure messaging platforms, and mobile applications, individuals can connect with experienced clinicians and support networks from anywhere with an internet connection. But that’s not all. The benefits of this virtual therapy option also include:

  • Greater flexibility in scheduling appointments, enabling individuals to receive support at times that are convenient and conducive to their recovery journey.

  • Timely access to evidence-based treatment is crucial for early intervention and preventing the progression of eating disorders. By eliminating barriers such as long wait times for appointments and geographical limitations, virtual therapy ensures that individuals receive the support they need when they need it most.  

  • A level of convenience and flexibility that enhances engagement and adherence to treatment, factors that profoundly impact outcomes.  

  • Quick and easy access to treatment for those struggling with disordered eating, who may not require an extensive treatment program like someone with diagnosed Binge Eating Disorder or Anorexia Nervosa.

It is well documented that access to expert care, convenience, and the overall reduction of stress with telehealth use is associated with increased patient satisfaction and adherence to treatment programs. It’s much easier to show up when you simply have to open your laptop and log on.

The Efficacy of Telehealth Therapy

The efficacy of telehealth therapy for eating disorders has been a subject of increasing research and interest within the mental health community. Studies have consistently demonstrated that virtual treatment modalities can be as effective as traditional in-person therapy for many individuals struggling with eating disorders.

Research indicates that telehealth therapy can lead to significant improvements in eating disorder symptoms, psychological well-being, and overall quality of life. Plus virtual treatment approaches and treatment options are diverse and include: 

  • Video therapy sessions

  • Online support groups

  • Therapy access via mobile applications

  • Virtual Intensive Outpatient program (virtual IOP) support

  • Virtual Partial Hospitalization Program (virtual PHP) 

  • Virtual nutrition counseling and registered dietitian support 

All of these have been shown to facilitate symptom reduction, promote healthier eating behaviors, and enhance body image perception.

When Virtual Recovery Is Not a Good Option

It's important to acknowledge that telehealth therapy may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with severe or life-threatening eating disorders who may require more intensive levels of care. 

Additionally, challenges such as technological barriers and privacy concerns, and the absence of nonverbal cues in virtual interactions may impact the therapeutic process for some individuals.

Advances that Support Remote Therapy for Eating Disorders

There are emerging technologies, including mobile applications, designed to facilitate remote monitoring and communication between individuals with eating disorders and their therapists. 

Some of these apps incorporate features that allow users to take their weight measurements at home and securely transmit the data to their healthcare providers.

These apps typically use Bluetooth-enabled scales or other connected devices to capture weight measurements without the patient having to view the number. Users can simply step on the scale and their weight data goes directly into the app, which is encrypted and transmitted to their therapist or treatment team. This remote monitoring capability enables therapists to track changes in weight over time, identify trends or fluctuations, and intervene promptly if necessary.  

There are additional specialized apps that provide features such as symptom tracking, meal logging, mood monitoring, skill coaching, and educational resources to support the recovery journey. By centralizing these tools within a single platform, individuals can conveniently access a comprehensive suite of support services tailored to their needs.

We at Columbus Park, regularly use an application called Recovery Record that allows therapists and patients to remain connected in between sessions.  The patient can log their food intake, thoughts, and struggles in real-time.  The provider can view the details and share comments, suggestions, and encouragement.  

How Special Populations Benefit from Virtual Eating Disorder Care

It’s not hard to see why the expansion of telehealth has been game-changing for many who need specialized care. There are several populations worth noting who are reaping the benefits of virtual care:

  • College students: The availability of telehealth appointments means that students can be at the most remote college campuses and still benefit from specialized care.  There is no need to have a car or to struggle with public transportation.  Sessions can fit into busy academic schedules.  

  • Families: Busy families benefit from telehealth in that family members can join together from multiple locations – home, office, school -  to convene for therapy.  It’s never easy to coordinate the busy schedules of multiple family members; telehealth saves the day.

  • Working Professionals: Teletherapy means that working people can join therapy sessions during breaks in their workday.  They don’t need to use work time to travel to and from appointments.  

Finding a Virtual Eating Disorder Therapist

Embarking on the journey to find a virtual eating disorder therapist requires careful consideration and research. Here are some key steps to guide you through the process to make sure you find the best recovery option for you.

Research Potential Therapists

Start by researching therapists in your area who specialize in eating disorders. You can use online directories to search for therapists who list eating disorders as their primary area of expertise. Here are a few directories to check out:

Generally, true experts in eating disorders don’t name many other specialties in their practice; they are dedicated to eating disorders.


Reach out to trusted sources, such as healthcare providers, mental health professionals, friends, or family members, and ask for recommendations. It’s always helpful to learn from the experience of others. 

Check Credentials

Look for licensed therapists who have specific training and experience in treating eating disorders. Check their credentials, including their education, certifications, and any specialized training or continuing education in the field of eating disorder treatment. Here are some certifications to look for: 

  • Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS)

  • Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy (EDIT)™ Certified

  • Certified Eating Disorders Specialist Supervisor (CEDS-S)

  • Certified Advanced Clinical Eating Disorder Specialist (ACEDS)

  • Institute for the Psychology of Eating Certification

  • Maudsley Family-Based Treatment (FBT) Certification

  • Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD)

  • Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) Certification

Interview Potential Therapists

Schedule initial consultations or phone interviews to learn more about the therapists you’ve found, including their approach to treatment, their experience working with eating disorders and their availability. This can help you determine if they’re a good fit for your needs and preferences.  

Be sure to ask about the provider’s therapy orientation. Specifically, ask if they use any of the leading evidence-based treatments for eating disorders. If they don’t it’s best to keep looking.  There are clear protocols that are well-studied. These are the most likely interventions to help you recover efficiently and effectively.

Ask About Outcomes

During the consultation or interview, don't hesitate to ask the provider about their treatment outcomes. 

  • What percent of their patients recover? 

  • How long are their patients in treatment before they “graduate?” 

  • What tools do they use to track progress?

Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a therapist who you feel comfortable with and who you believe can support you in your recovery journey. Building a strong therapeutic alliance is essential for effective treatment, so it's important to find a therapist who you feel understood, validated, and supported by.

Remember that finding the right therapist may take time and effort, but it's worth investing in your recovery by seeking out a qualified and experienced professional who can provide the support and guidance you need.

Columbus Park: Pioneers in Virtual Eating Disorder Care

For nearly a decade, Columbus Park has been at the forefront of providing virtual eating disorder treatment, well before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Acknowledging the advantages of this approach early on, we've been leveraging audio-visual tools to enhance accessibility to treatment. This means we’re extremely familiar with the tools and technology and adept at using them to facilitate long-term recovery for our clients.

If you are interested in exploring virtual eating disorder therapy, contact us. You can practice using the tools for researching providers that you learned in this blog!


Melissa Gerson is the founder of Columbus Park Center for Eating Disorders in New York City. Over the last 20-plus years, she has trained in just about every evidence-based eating disorder treatment available to individuals with eating disorders: a dizzying list of acronyms including CBT-E, CBT-AR, DBT, FBT, IPT, SSCM, FBI and more.

Among Melissa’s most important achievements has been a certification as a Family-Based Treatment provider; with her mastery of this potent and life-changing (and life-saving!) modality, she’s treated hundreds of young people successfully and continues to maintain a small caseload of FBT clients as she also focuses on leadership and management roles at Columbus Park.

Since founding Columbus Park in 2008, Melissa has trained multiple generations of eating disorder professionals and has dedicated her time to a combination of clinical practice, writing, and presenting.

A Guide to Family Based Treatment for Eating Disorders


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