Eating Disorders During the COVID-19 Crisis
The Covid-19 crisis has proven to be a dramatic and unprecedented global medical and mental health crisis. We’re all struggling to varying degrees with loss, disruption, and/or financial worry. And for those who grapple with eating and body image concerns, the Covid fallout adds yet another challenging dimension.
CP Research Corner: A Content Analysis of "Pro-Ana" Websites
A recent study examined the content in fitspiration, thinspiration, and bonespiration on social media outlets and "pro-ana" websites.
The NEWEAT Project For Smartphones
Researchers would like to develop smartphone technology (The NEWEAT Project) to be used both prior to and during eating disorder treatment.
Do Eating Disorders Have a Gender Bias?
The Times UK suggests that, as a result of gender bias, we fail to recognize warning signs of eating disorders in men and boys.
The Impact of Media on Eating Disorders: Dissonance-Based Treatment and Body Positivity
A fascinating new study uses a dissonance-based approach to use the media to aid eating disorder treatment.