Depression and Eating Disorders: A Guide to Recovery
Depression and eating disorders often exist together, creating a complex web of emotional and psychological distress. Understanding the connection between depression and eating disorders is central to carving out a path to recovery.
Understanding the Neuroscience of Anorexia and Anxiety
We’d like to share a tried-and-true method that helps people overcome disordered eating habits. It's called regular eating.
Black Lives Matter: Columbus Park's Mission
We, at Columbus Park, here in the heart of New York City, are both humbled and proud as we join individuals in our community and beyond to take action in an abundance of meaningful ways… whether by protesting, self-educating, donating, self-reflecting or speaking out.
Eating Disorders During the COVID-19 Crisis
The Covid-19 crisis has proven to be a dramatic and unprecedented global medical and mental health crisis. We’re all struggling to varying degrees with loss, disruption, and/or financial worry. And for those who grapple with eating and body image concerns, the Covid fallout adds yet another challenging dimension.
Eating Disorder Research 2019 Roundup
2019 was another year filled with interesting research on eating disorders. Here are a few of the studies Columbus Park found to be particularly interesting and impactful to our practice.