2019 Outcomes: A Year In Review
As the year came to a close, we completed a review of 2019 outcomes and are proud to report on our exceptional results and positive trends.
Eating Disorder Research 2019 Roundup
2019 was another year filled with interesting research on eating disorders. Here are a few of the studies Columbus Park found to be particularly interesting and impactful to our practice.
"Burn It Off" Campaign
A new study raises concern for the eating disorder community and general public alike. The study describes the impact of using physical activity calorie equivalent/expenditure (PACE) labelling for foods, instead of the common marking of calories.
Eating Disorders, Suicidal Thoughts, and Self-Harm
With International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day on the horizon, it’s important to recognize that suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm can be significant challenges for people dealing with eating disorders.
Think Values, Not Goals for 2019
Values are statements or expressions about how you wish to behave, about what really matters to you, about what is most important. Like a compass, values give us direction.
Food My Frenemy: Response
With a heavy heart, I read a recent New York Times piece called “Food My Frenemy” by Jen Gunter. In the piece, Ms. Gunter shares her agonizing struggle with a lifetime of binge eating - and the self-loathing and shame that can come along with it. She also references her ongoing battle with weight management in the shadow of her binge eating disorder.
Challenges of Recovery in Ballet Culture
It’s no secret that ballet culture celebrates a long, lean figure. The pressure on ballet dancers to maintain this aesthetic is constant and for many can lead to battling food/body struggles throughout ones’ career.

What Is CBT-E?
Learn about treatment for eating disorders: CBT-E, the gold standard evidence based treatment for eating disorders.